Now I must note that most bosses hit so ridiculously hard that relying on your health pool over preventing damage is simply foolish. With enough Vigor you will be able to get hit a bit more before you die. Having a lot of health is nice because Dark Souls 2 is a hard game and you will get a hit a lot.

Grants 30 Health per point invested until 20.This attribute determines the amount of hit points or health your character has. I will kick the guide off with a list of all the stats and some noteworthy stuff about them. Now granted that we can use the Soulvessel to undo any mistakes, it would be nice to save those for trying out new builds instead of correcting our early screw-ups. Dark Souls 2 can be a very intimidating game, there is a lot of room for customization and just because of that there can be a lot of room for error.